Great News!! Bay Colony Pediatrics is now administering the Pfizer Vaccine for Kids for ages 5-11, and ages12 to 17 and 18 plus. Moderna, and J&J COVID vaccines for ages 18 plus. Pfizer and Moderna are a 2 dose series + a booster. J&J is a single dose + a booster. The vaccine and administration are completely free.
COVID-19 is the greatest pandemic to hit mankind in a hundred years. One of the greatest weapons modern science has developed to combat this disease is the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. It is not known if this vaccine will prevent one from getting the coronavirus, but it has been 95% effective at preventing serious illness. For additional information, read our recent blog post.
More than 700,000 have died in the US and over 5 million worldwide. Please protect your family by getting vaccinated at the earliest opportunity. It is the best solution mankind has to beat this virus. The vaccine is not the ultimate solution, but it is an additional tool at our disposal to fight this disease. Wear a mask at all times. Wash your hands. Keep a safe distance. Avoid gatherings.