After Hours
If your child becomes ill when our office is closed... CALL US at 281-614-2445. Our texting feature does not work after hours.
One of our providers is always available, 24 hours a day, every day of the year. The provider on call will help you decide whether your child's illness can be managed at home, in our office, or if an Emergency Room Visit is needed.
Our providers take urgent calls from their homes after hours and are able to provide a telemedicine visit to address your concerns. Call the main office number 281-614-2445 and our doctor on call will answer. If they do not answer, please leave a message with your child’s name, date of birth, and your call back number, they will reply within 15 minutes.
Please save routine questions (mild illness, appointments, prescription refills) for the morning or next business day.
Call 911 for emergencies.
Emergencies are conditions that are life-threatening:
loss of consciousness
severe bleeding
difficulty breathing
seizure, etc.
If you prefer use the following links for additional information: